Submitted by
Kim Adams Graham
The Cooperative Extension Program at Tuskegee University is proud to announce the 131st Annual Farmers Conference scheduled for March 30 -31, 2023, at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Montgomery, AL. Noted as being the oldest event of its type in the country, The Annual Farmers Conference is a two-day educational event that features concurrent workshops, interactive demonstrations,
tours, and challenging speakers, all designed to increase the knowledge and awareness of conference attendees. The latest in university research and agency information will provide participants with the necessary insight to develop and sustain their small farm enterprises and enhance their communities.
During the conference luncheon (Thursday, March 30, 2023), awards will be presented to honor the Merit Farm Family and the T. M. Campbell Leadership Award Recipient. The T. M. Campbell Leadership Award commemorates the legacy of the late Thomas Monroe Campbell of Tuskegee University, who bears the distinction of being the First Extension Agent in the United States.
The Merit Farm Family Award salutes the achievement of outstanding farm families as nominated by their peers and extension personnel. Bullock County is home to several recipients of the Merit Farm Family Award. Worthy recipients include the families of Mr. Henry B. Perry,
Mr. James M. Perry, Mr. Aaron Sellers, Mr. Wilbon Thomas, Mr. Booker Walker, Mr. Albert J. Perry, Ms. Gwen Lewis, Mrs. Rosia Jernigan, and Mrs. Mae Lizzie Faulk.
Mr. Albert Perry of the Hardaway Community received the award during the Centennial Conference Celebration in 1992, while Lewis, Jernigan, and Faulk are the owners and operators of the only female-led enterprises to receive this award.
The conference convenes Thursday morning (March 30, 2023) with an 8:00 a.m. opening session with updates from several USDA agency heads and representatives.
Please make plans to join us at this annual event—the Annual Farmers Conference @ Tuskegee University, A Tuskegee Tradition since 1892.
Registration is available online @ https://www.tuskegee.edu/programs-courses/colleges-schools/caens/confer….