Conecuh Springs’ senior multi-sport standout Lott Putnam signed an athletic scholarship with the University of Mobile Rams’ baseball team during an in-school signing day ceremony on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, at the CSCS gym.
I speak in prisons often. Someone asked me how I speak to prisoners when I don’t have anything in common with the prisoners. I told them every prisoner had a mother, and so did I. This common ground unites us all.
By Barbara McLaurine
Wednesday, May 19, eight ladies from the First Presbyterian Church of Jonesboro, Georgia arrived in Union Springs as the guest of Kathrine Adams Woods to attend the Red Door Theatre production of Maytag Virgin.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. I believe we all have dealt with mental illness in one way or another. Mental illness is defined as health conditions involving changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior (or a combination of these).