The Model Garden Club met at the lovely home of Bebe Wilkerson in Fitzpatrick on February 20th. The hostesses were Bebe, Leanne Long and Bonnie Bailey. After the business meeting, delicious refreshments were served. Lastly, the program was tips on fresh flower arrange
Friday, February 23rd, Bullock County High School seniors attended Career Discovery in Montgomery. In order to help inspire them in determining the best career path for them, students were educated about local and regional businesses. (Facebook photo)
The Bullock County High School Football Coaches attended the Glazer Clinic in Atlanta, Georgia. Kneeling is Coach Ellis and Coach Hall. Standing is Coach Jones, Coach Loyal, Head Coach Jeremy Vines, Coach Turner, Coach Benton and Coach Gibson.
By Kim Adams Graham
A Meet the Candidates and Get Out To Vote Rally was a huge success. The Bullock County Democratic Executive Committee (BCDEC) held the Rally on Monday, February 19, 2024, at Adam Pecan.
Skills Player: Caiden Ivery • Bigs Player: Titus Smith
Each player will receive a weekly flyer shoutout and a free box of pizza.#GoHornets It's a new day and a great time to be a Hornet!
By Felicia Farnsworth
This handsome boy is Willie Nelson! Not to be confused with the singer but we think that he is just as laid back and cool as the real deal. Willie, a hound mix, has been at the shelter since August of 2023.
Although he is not from this county or state, Retired Chief Petty Officer David Goggins is the only person to ever complete US Army Ranger School, US Air Force Tactical Control Party Training, and US Navy Seal Training.